Stories, opinions, and other tales from the sea!

Sailing an Open 50
Want to hear about a first-hand Open 50 sailing experience? Darren and Amanda take a trip aboard Sparrow, a racing Open 50 piloted by Ronnie Simpson, and learn that Fast is Fun!
Installing a High Powered Alternator
Looking to install a high powered marine alternator? Read about our installation, experience, and long-term review of our Balmar 250XT marine alternator.
Monohull vs Trimaran
Monohull vs Trimaran: Which is better? There is a lot that goes into that question which I will help shed some incite into MY opinion from personal sailing experience.

A Year With Our Neel 45
A quick recap of sailing statistics for our first year with our Neel 45 trimaran…

Downwind Sails on Panda ROSSO
Let’s talk about our downwind sail selection aboard Panda ROSSO…