A Year With Our Neel 45

I know this is cliché, but 2022 has FLOWN-BY just as fast as Panda ROSSO sails across oceans. We purchased her in December of 2021 in the South coast of France, eager and excited about getting you all aboard. It has been an incredible journey thus far. So, lets take a look at some of our yearly stats:

Miles Sailed - 11,169 NM

Countries Visited - 7

Guests Aboard - 61!

Amanda and I are absolutely humbled by all the guests we’ve had on Panda ROSSO. This is exactly why we transitioned into this business - to take YOU all sailing. Thank you so very much for your business, encouragement, and enthusiasm. I have a good feeling about our future sailing passages aboard.

Darren Seltzer


Coffee Offshore


Caribbean Multihull Challenge 2023