Our Favorite Boats of the 2023 Annapolis Sailboat Show

In order of most coveted, to kick-ass - Our 2023 Annapolis Boat Show Favorites

If you know anything about us at Outer Passage, it’s that we like to go fast. Nothing wrong with cruising slow, it’s just for us, fast is fun! We are currently sailing a Neel 45 trimaran, which is a very respectable performance cruising boat in terms of light air performance, and ocean passage miles. But, what other boats would we love to crush some miles on?

HH66 ‘Nemo’ - Est. Value $3.9M USD

Yes, we have expensive tastes, but what sailor who loves performance can argue with the HH66? And, this isn’t any old HH, but something that has been tricked out with canting boards, T-Foil rudders, and carbon fiber heads. Current owner Todd Slyngstad has built a sailing machine with the aim of competing, and winning, against his brother, the owner of the famous ‘Fujin’. Rumor has it Nemo is up for sale to the right buyer…

Pogo 44 ‘Humble Pi’ - Est. Value $450k USD

Ah, now back down to earth. A real boat for real sailors. We have an affinity for Pogo’s, and seeing the 44 in person only made us lust for more. She is considered an ‘Ultra Lightweight Displacement Boat’ or ULDB for short, with very flat surfaces and wide stern, allowing her to plane, that is, achieve speeds faster than displacement. This is a quality shared by most modern French racing boats, and Pogo has adapted the design to include a very nice interior living space. Want to get a Pogo? You must get in-line with a 3+ year wait list on the 44.

Dragonfly 40 - Est. Value $850k USD

Quality. Absoulty our first impression aboard Dragonfly’s latest performance cruising trimaran. The fit and finish of every part, especially the interior made our jaws drop. Yes, this may seem like a hefty price tag for a 40ft tri (which has the interior space of a 35ft mono), but what you lose in space, you gain in quality and performance. This is what we call ‘a real tri’, meaning it is constructed like a monohull with attached ama’s and nets in between. If you plan to visit any marinas or narrow-minded lifts, those amas fold right-in for more ‘normal’ boat pricing. Here is this boat rippin’ it in the North Sea, check out this video:

Rapido 40 ‘Trime’ - Est. Value $950k USD

Turn that performance knob up a bit, inject lots of carbon, and hire the famous designing duo of Morelli and Melvin, and then after adding lots of money, you get the Rapido 40! She has a carbon rotating mast, C-foils (daggerboards with a broad C-shape to produce not only windward lift, but upwards too), and a really trick spacious interior. We however were not impressed with the quality of construction. Amanda quickly pointed out an ama arm bracket coming loose, amongst a host of other small issues. I think the overall design is fantastic, but will take some further investment by the yard to refine the details.

Other notable boats that attended the show, but we did not get a chance to view, and would LOVE some helm time with:

  • Balance Catamarans 526 - South African built boats, and a brand which has been gaining popularity over the years, they are truly a ‘balance’ of performance and comfort. Doing a lap of the world? This is your machine!

  • HH44 - The latest ‘small’ boat offering from HH, the 44 squeezes all that tech and good looks into a 44ft package. I’m excited seeing the increased popularity of performance oriented catamarans. Keep them coming HH!


Neel 45 vs the Neel 47


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